三菱は百年は潰れない 三菱 vertical rainbow 次の太陽のための ワープ 鳩箱数/魁身数

Θ ≒ 0 ≒ 100% υ link to large 2 sun.株式会社 小説の販売 自己弁護 地域価 次の太陽のためのワープ火 ダークマターボディートラップヘッドフェイクスルー浴びせかけエラー Upper dar' エッジワース・カイパーベルトと銀河を繋ぐ GGALAXY Upper dar'(so † is Upper dar' America is 0 country Upper dar'. So Minkowskiary front like 「u」and「v」.Θ link inside 0 play role Lebesgue function Δ play ∮rilly ▫︎E≠∫Fds(s=entropy in word number of cases.))アンドロメダとの衝突に備えてThat's υ link. Large 2 is Gödel number "The 2". Woman I think become Gödel number The 1 at the Θ."Kaishin number" define "The once and Only Heavy Giga Watt Inter-Universal Teichmüllerous /Pigeonhole" attaches another Inter-Universe.So for υ link for another sun you must attaches Kaishinhole.We can build A ceramic board for a Gas station to the systema solare traffic(This sais "Youzen state"),but at the same time We clean up it Upper dar'lingaly like water and buddy for The another or other systema for a warp using Kaishinhole that if any needs two blackholes looks like forward back to the tetrahedron minimumlly(So we can't see the front blackhole in the light without backward tetrahedron the same blackhole or blackholes.).But as known it's not two seemingly Universalally.